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Workshops Overview

Professional Development Offerings

The FDC hosts a variety of workshops on teaching and/or scholarship, presented synchronously in person or on Zoom and asynchronously. Some workshops earn faculty credit toward particular certificates or badges.

CSUF also has book clubs and faculty learning communities.

Recommendations - What Should I Take?

To learn more about various certficate- and badge-earning workshops, book clubs, faculty learning communities, as well as other offerings, explore the content to the right.

For a listing of all offerings, use the FDC Calendar on our  home page. Additionally, as a faculty or staff member, you receive a weekly email summarizing upcoming offerings and promoting news from our campus partners.

Certificates and Badges

Certificates and badges are designed to recognize faculty who completed a particular series of complimentary workshops and profesional development tasks. The offerings are diverse, ranging from topics surrounding diversity and inclusion to those addressing artificial intelligence.

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Many workshops are offered as stand alone professional development opportunites, including those surrounding scholarship.

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Book Clubs

CSUF offers book clubs open to faculty members who convene at various times during the semester to discuss the book or books selected.

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Faculty Learning Communities

CSUF offers faculty learning communities where groups of faculty members get together to explore particular topics such as the science of teaching and learning or teaching for social justice together.

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