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WAC LIAISONS - Certificates


CSUF values writing and the ways writing can enhance learning in any class. To support faculty and staff interested in teaching with writing, the WAC LIAISONS Program is offering a WAC Certificate through the FDC. This certificate program will familiarize candidates with WAC theory and practice and enable them to incorporate meaningful writing assignments into their courses.


The annual deadline for WAC Certificate portfolios is the first Friday of October; email them to


Current CSUF part-time and full-time faculty and staff are eligible. WAC Portfolios and Travel Grant applications will be evaluated by the WAC Advisory Committee.


WAC Certificate recipients receive a letter of commendation from the Director of the Faculty Development Center for their FAR files, an electronic certificate (“badge”) for their webpage, and eligibility to apply for a grant of up to $800 for travel to a WAC- or writing-related scholarly conference.


Find the Certificate requirements below the testimonials that follow.

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Click on the name of each faculty to read what they have to say about the WAC Certificate Program.

WAC Certificate Requirements

To earn your WAC Certificate, simply complete the requirements listed below and email your portfolio to by the first Friday of October any year.

Requirement One - WAC Workshops

Attend all of the following:

Requirement Two - WAC Portfolio

Create and submit a portfolio containing (please number these in your portfolio):

  1. A list of the WAC workshops (titles, semesters, years) attended by the candidate,
  2. A list of the candidate’s Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for ONE course in their discipline,
  3. 2 Writing-to-Learn (WTL) activities relevant to the course in #2, above,
  4. 1 formal writing assignment prompt relevant to the course in #2, above,  
  5. A 500-750-word reflection that
    1. Describes the course to which the enclosed WTL activities and formal prompt apply (150 words or fewer),
    2. Explains how the enclosed WTL activities and prompt apply WAC ideas and practices in your class,
    3. Reflects upon how the WAC workshops will inform the candidate’s future teaching, and
    4. Certifies that at least 50% of the enclosed activities are original, and cites the source(s) of those that are not.

WAC LIAISONS recommends using the portfolio rubric linked below as you construct your portfolio.

WAC LIAISONS Certificate and Travel Grant Tools

Certificate Earners


  • Vanessa Ferreira
  • Eric Rodriguez
  • Adam Golub


  • Heather Denyer
  • Karen Gallagher
  • Guadalupe Diaz-Lara
  • Elise Assaf


  • Paul Inventado
  • Zia Salim

Contact: Dr. Leslie Bruce, Faculty Fellow
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
Location: GH 435
Phone: 657-278-3155

WAC LIAISONS is located in Gordon Hall (formerly University Hall), Room 435.

Campus Map

Mailing Address:
California State University, Fullerton
800 North State College
P.O. Box 6850
Fullerton, CA 92831


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