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WAC LIAISONS - Workshops


WAC LIAISONS practices can increase learning and reduce grading time in any class. Workshops are asynchronous and available in the 5-day windows below.

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Participating faculty rate WAC LIAISONS workshops highly

  • 100%
  • WAC LIAISONS workshop attendees rated their workshop as “very useful” or “useful.”


  • 90%
  • WAC LIAISONS workshop attendees said they've incorporated WAC practices into their teaching


  • 92%
  • of faculty that applied WAC LIAISONS practices in their teaching said they ‘noticed a positive impact on student learning and/or writing’

Generative AI Faculty Resources Canvas Page

Enroll in the Generative AI (ChatGPT/LLM) Faculty Resources Canvas Page


On September 12, 2023, Dr. Leslie Bruce delivered a Library Noon-Time Talk titled "Introducing WAC's ChatGPT Resources Site". The presentation's video recording is available. The password is: 82j8dSv+  It includes a question and answer session.

Writing Your AI-Ready Syllabus Policies

January 8th 8:00am - January 21st 11:59pm

Engaging AI Critically with Your Students

January 8th 8:00am - January 21st 11:59pm

Authentic (And Potentially Publishable!) Writing Assignments, Part 2: Scaffolding for Student Success

January 24th 8:00am - January 28th 11:59pm  

Using Writing To Learn In Any Class

January 31st 8:00am - February 4th 11:59pm  

Writing to Learn (WTL) activities typically include quick, informal, low-stakes writing tasks in which students consolidate their learning of a course’s content. Adding WTL activities to a class can improve student learning and writing, enrich class discussion, and allow faculty to quickly assess even large classes’ understanding of core concepts. Come to this workshop to learn five effective WTL activities all instructors can apply in their classes.

Learn five effective WTL activities all instructors can use to improve student learning, enrich discussions, and quickly assess students' understanding of core concepts.

Writing Your AI-Ready Syllabus Policies

February 7th 8:00am - February 11th 11:59pm

The 2015 NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) indicated that students learned more from writing assignments when they received written or spoken feedback during the writing process. This workshop will introduce faculty to strategies for focusing and improving student peer reviews, which will add more quality feedback to your students’ writing processes. Students receive feedback on their writing before sending it to you, yielding higher quality papers and decreasing grading time. This workshop consists of an asynchronous lecture, online resources, and a Q & A Discussion Board. All participants will receive feedback on their new peer review sheets.

Designing Effective Writing Prompts for Any Class

February 28th 8:00am - March 3rd 11:59pm  

Incorporating more writing into your courses is a high-impact way to deepen students’ understanding of your course content. Thoughtfully designed writing prompts can yield more focused, confident writing, which in turn can reduce grading time. After introducing some best practices in prompt writing, this workshop will guide faculty as they design a prompt for one assignment. This workshop consists of an asynchronous lecture, online resources, and a Q & A Discussion Board. All participants will receive feedback on their new prompts.

Leading Effective Peer Reviews to Increase Feedback for Student Writers

March 13th 8:00am - March 17th 11:59pm

The 2015 NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) indicated that students learned more from writing assignments when they received written or spoken feedback during the writing process. This workshop will introduce faculty to strategies for focusing and improving student peer reviews, which will add more quality feedback to your students’ writing processes. Students receive feedback on their writing before sending it to you, yielding higher quality papers and decreasing grading time. This workshop consists of an asynchronous lecture, online resources, and a Q & A Discussion Board. All participants will receive feedback on their new peer review sheets.

Adapting Major Assignments to Reduce AI Reliance

March 27th 8:00am - March 31st 11:59pm

Reduce Grading Time with Formative Feedback Strategies

April 10th 8:00am - April 14th 11:59pm  

Watch this video workshop to learn and practice research-based strategies for providing efficient, effective feedback on student writing. This workshop consists of an asynchronous lecture, online resources, and a Q & A Discussion Board.

Reduce Grading Time With Rubrics

April 24th 8:00am - April 28th 11:59pm

This workshop will cut your grading time while increasing the amount, quality, and objectivity of your feedback. Learn how to design a writing rubric with which to quickly assess students’ writing. Different styles of rubrics that suit different types of faculty will be presented.

Cut grading time by designing different types of rubrics with which to quickly and consistently assess students-includes Speedgrader rubrics.

Contact: Dr. Leslie Bruce, Faculty Fellow
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
Location: GH 435
Phone: 657-278-3155

WAC LIAISONS is located in Gordon Hall (formerly University Hall), Room 435.

Campus Map

Mailing Address:
California State University, Fullerton
800 North State College
P.O. Box 6850
Fullerton, CA 92831


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