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Support Overview


The FDC provides support and recognition opportunities for faculty, lecturers, and graduate and teaching assistants in all stages of their careers. Explore this page to learn more about the FDC and the professional and leadership development resources we offer. The FDC sends current CSUF faculty email notices about support tailored to the needs of new faculty, tenured faculty, lecturers and department chairs. At any time, you can register for a broad range of support through our homepage calendar.

Department Chairs

The University Council of Chairs provides support to department chairs.

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Faculty Leadership Development Program

This program allows participants an opportunity to gain professional and leadership skills, reflect on career and personal goals, and connect with colleagues.

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Tenure Track Faculty & Lecturers

The FDC partners with many other campus units and organizations to provide fall foundations for new tenure-track faculty and lecturers.

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Tenure Track Faculty Mentoring

Mentor Connext is a tenure-track faculty mentoring program sponsored by the FDC!

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Lecturer Support

This page connects CSUF lecturers with specific workshops designed for them as well as information on how to check-out office space on campus.

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General Campus Resources

Campus online campus resources assist faculty as they create instructional activities and design of courses and programs. This page serves as a place to access many commonly-used resources.

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Access to National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD)

CSUF pays for all faculty to access NCFDD resources which offer independent professional development, training, and mentoring. Visit the FDC's NCFDD page for more information on how to gain access.

Quantitative & Qualitative Research Support

For those at the beginning stages of a research program, Dr. Kathleen Preston and Dr. Guadalupe Díaz Lara will review your current research questions or hypotheses and provide feedback on which analytic technique is most appropriate. For those with data collected, they aid with implementing techniques to analyze collected data and provide guidance when interpreting the results. They work with faculty across all colleges and disciplines.

Faculty Fellow for Quantitative Research Support
Kathleen Preston

Faculty Fellow for Qualitative Research Support
Guadalupe Díaz Lara

Manuscript Revision & Editing Support

If you are at the beginning stages of a research program, or would like assistance editing or revising research articles or other short manuscripts, you can consult with our Scholarly Publication Faculty Fellow, Dr. Natsuki Atagi (Associate Professor of Child and Adolescent Studies). He can help CSUF faculty by proofreading and revising their manuscripts for submission (or re-submission) to scholarly journals. He offers feedback on readability, organization, and technical issues and is happy to assist with shortening works to meet maximum page requirements. You can contact our OSRP Fellow, Manuscript Revision and Editing:

Natsuki Atagi

Support For Instruction

Have questions about teaching? Need to chat about teaching ideas? Looking to brainstorm about an idea you'd like to implement with your students? This is a way to ask questions related to teaching, LMS ideas, engagement, assistance with implementing activites, Zoom questions, etc. You can contact our FDC Faculty Teaching and Learning Fellow:

Michele Barr

Faculty Retention Support

Faculty at all levels looking to better understand how they can be successful at CSUF and to foster meaningful relationships with one other at the university can contact our FDC Faculty Retention Support Fellow.

Terri Patchen

Terri Patchen also serves as our Faculty Fellow for Scholarship and the Fellow for Faculty Retention.

Support For Lecturers

If you are a part-time or full-time lecturer, the resources found on the  Teaching tab are great for you. Take advantage of our many FDC workshops, institutes and faculty learning communities through our homepage calendar. We continue to develop support and recognition specifically designed for lecturers. These include:

  • Orientation and onboarding for new lecturers
  • Special workshops tailored to the needs and concerns of lecturers

Support For Emeriti

Emeritus status enables faculty members to remain active in their profession and in service to the university as an integral part of the academic community and a valuable resource to the university. (UPS 261.000)The CSUF Emeriti Association promotes the welfare of CSUF, enhances the continuing professionalism of emeriti, and provides for the fellowship of its members.

We encourage you to register for FDC workshops. If you are interested in registering, please contact the FDC, to add you to the registration. We also welcome you to use our online resources.

Support For Teaching & Graduate Assistants

If you are a Teaching Assistant, Teaching Associate, or Graduate Assistant teaching at CSUF, you are welcome to use the FDC's resources to support your teaching. The FDC's resources are intended to complement the teaching guidance and training provided within your college or department. We encourage you to sign up for one of our teaching workshops from our hompage calendar and use our online resources in the teaching tab.

Teaching and Graduate Assistants are encouraged to particpate in the FDC teaching and learning certificate program which offers Certificates to Support Teaching.

Support For Mid-Career Faculty

Several of the FDC's resources can help you embark on a new path of scholarship, complete a publication, develop a clear plan for promotion, or enhance your teaching in an environment of collegial support:

University Memberships to Professional Resources

Participate in on-demand professional development and access research-based articles using CSUF’s institutional memberships. To register, use your CSUF email (your name to link you to the University membership. If you have any questions, please email or call the Faculty Development Center at x4772. If you have any technical questions, please email the individual association. This is not an inclusive list.