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AI Learning Trailblazer Certificate

AI Logo

Description of and requirements to earn these certificates listed below

Fall 2024 General Offerings

SDSU’s Academic Applications of AI (AAAI) Micro-Credential

Prepares you to apply generative AI (gAI) technology efficiently, effectively, and ethically to level up learning in the classes you teach. Online and asynchronous.

Topics covered include:

  • Overview: How does gAI work?
  • Ethics & Responsible Use
  • What Can AI Do?
  • Findings Apps
  • Prompt Engineering Activities

Using AI as Your Faculty Assistant to Reimagine Course Concepts
Facilitated by Dr. Shelli Wynants

Each 30-minute synchronous Zoom session will start with the same material about accessing a couple of common Generative AI models & basic prompting tips. The live demo example will change across sessions - 

Tuesday, September 17 | 1:00pm - 1:30pm
Simplify Challenging Course Concepts

Use AI for simplified explanations and everyday analogies (30-minute certificate credit)

Tuesday, October 8 | 1:00pm - 1:30pm
Diversify Course Examples

Use AI to add diversity to your existing case studies/scenarios, quiz questions, etc. (30-minute certificate credit)

Tuesday, October 22 | 1:00pm - 1:30pm
Create Quiz Questions

Use AI to generate basic and applied quiz questions on web pages, articles, & documents. (30-minute certificate credit)

Tuesday, November 5 | 1:00pm - 1:30pm
Create Images

Use AI to generate simple images to add to your Canvas page, course assignment document, PowerPoint/Google slides, etc. (30-minute certificate credit)

AI LinkedIn Learning Pathways (Online and Asynchronous)

New to LinkedIn? Read this article on how to access LinkedIn Learning with your CSUF username.

Generative AI: What is it? Understanding Ethics & Bias (LinkedIn Learning Beginner Pathway)

Explore the fundamentals of generative AI, its applications, and the ethical considerations surrounding bias in this 2.5-hour LinkedIn video series designed for staff and faculty. (2.5-hour certificate credit)

Generative AI: Using It to Amplify Aptitude Communication, and Critical Thinking (LinkedIn Learning Intermediate Pathway)

Advance your skills in generative AI with this intermediate 3-hour LinkedIn video series, designed for staff and faculty to enhance aptitude, communication, and critical thinking with AI. (3-hour certificate credit)

Writing Your AI-Ready Syllabus Policies
Taught by Leslie Bruce

  • Thursday, August 15, 2024 - Sunday, August 25, 2024, 8:00am - 11:59pm

In under an hour, this asynchronous WAC LIAISONS workshop will guide faculty through adapting their syllabi academic integrity policies for the presence of AI. Policy definitions, expectations, rationale, guidance, and repercussions will be modeled and explained. (1-hour certificate credit)

Adapting Major Assignments to Reduce AI Reliance
Taught by Leslie Bruce

  • Thursday, August 15, 2024 - Sunday, August 25, 2024, 8:00am - 11:59pm

Attempts to evade and detect generative AI use in coursework are never foolproof. To ensure student learning, we can adapt our assignments to better engage students. Focusing on longer assignments and projects, this asynchronous workshop introduces six strategies for reducing AI use in your favorite major assignments. (1-hour certificate credit)

Engaging AI Critically with Your Students
Taught by Leslie Bruce

  • Wednesday, August 28, 2024 - Sunday, September 01, 2024, 8:00am - 11:59pm

Take this asynchronous workshop at your own pace. Learn some of the promises and perils of AI chatbots, explore ways to support critical thinking about AI in class, and draft your own in-class AI-infused activity for feedback. (1-hour certificate credit)

AI and Academia Conference
Taught by Leslie Bruce and the FDC

  • Friday, December 06, 2024, 8:00am - 5:00pm

The “AI and Academia” conference will convene faculty, administrators, and staff dedicated to learning more about AI in education. Panel presentations, roundtable discussions, and a keynote speaker will explore the possibilities and challenges of generative AI on campus.

Fall 2024 STEM Offerings

Monday, October 7 | 3:30pm-4:30pm (on Zoom)
Responsible AI Use in STEM Education

Part one of a four part workshop series facilitated by Tina Austin: Teaching STEM in AI Era: What does reponsible use mean? For more details please see the Responsible AI Use in STEM Education flyer.

Thursday, October 17 | 1:00pm-2:00pm (on Zoom)
Integrating AI into STEM Curriculum Design

Part two of a four part workshop series facilitated by Tina Austin: Should you integrate Gen AI into STEM curriculum design with the latest tools? For more details please see the Integrating AI into STEM Curriculum Design flyer.

Friday, November 8 | 2:00pm-3:00pm (on Zoom)
Developing AI Literacy for STEM Faculty and Students

Part three of a four part workshop series facilitated by Tina Austin: What is AI literacy when teaching STEM? For more details please see the Devloping AI Literacy for STEM Faculty and Students flyer.

Friday, November 22 | 2:00pm-3:00pm (on Zoom)
AI Tools for Data Analysis in STEM Research

Part three of a four part workshop series facilitated by Tina Austin: Through interactive exercises, participants will learn to leverage AI-driven data analysis to enhance their research, from handling large datasets to uncovering new insights in their STEM fields. For more details please see the AI Tools for Data Analysis in STEM Research flyer.

Workshop Flyer

AI Workshop Flyer
Click to enlarge

Certificate Descriptions and Requirements

AI Logo Level 1

Level 1 - Pathfinder

For beginners who are starting their AI journey and exploring new AI territories.

AI Logo Level 2

Level 2 - Trail Seeker

For intermediate learners who are actively navigating and making progress on their AI journey.

  • Pathfinder + 4 additional hours

AI Logo Level 3

Level 3 - Innovator

For advanced learners who are leading the way and creating new AI trails.

  • Trail Seeker + 3 additional hours  + Sharing an example of something they created with AI and a brief description of how they are using it in teaching or interacting with Titans