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WAC LIAISONS - Travel Grants


To support the professional development of WAC LIAISONS Certificate recipients, the WAC LIAISONS Program is offering a Travel Grant. This grant can be used for travel to a WAC LIAISONS- or writing-related scholarly conference. Examples of such conferences include the International WAC conference, the Conference on College Composition and Communication, or conferences about writing in your discipline. Two grants of up to $800 are available this academic year.


Only WAC LIAISONS Certificate recipients are eligible to apply. Past WAC LIAISONS travel-grant recipients can re-apply after five years and after completing the post-grant requirement (see below).

Application Requirements

A 250-300-word proposal that:

  • Describes the course(s) to which the applicant hopes to apply WAC LIAISONS theories and pedagogies. Is this a course you know you’ll be teaching in the next 2-3 semesters, or is this a class you hope to teach soon?
  • Describes the conference to which the applicant plans to travel.* Please hyperlink the conference’s homepage in your proposal.
  • Describes the applicant’s conference plans as they relate to WAC LIAISONS (e.g., presenting a paper, attending certain types of panels or workshops, etc.)

If a paper is being presented, please include a 50-100-word abstract.  If evidence of acceptance to the conference is available, please attach that, as well. Please refer to the WAC LIAISONS Travel Grant Rubric before writing your proposal.

Post Travel Grant Requirement

Travel Grant recipients will share either the writing-related ideas they presented at the attended conference, or the most useful, writing-related information they learned at that conference at a 1-hour WAC Lunch and Learn at Pollak Library in the academic year following their travel.

To Apply

Please email your proposal and the following information to by the first Friday of November.

  1. Name
  2. Department(s) in which you teach at CSUF,
  3. Name(s), Section number(s), and semester(s) of the course(s) you are teaching in the next academic semester, and
  4. Year you received your WAC Certificate to Leslie Bruce at Please include “WAC grant application” in your subject line.

Please check the “CSU Travel Bans” webpage before applying.

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Contact: Dr. Leslie Bruce, Faculty Fellow
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
Location: GH 435
Phone: 657-278-3155

WAC LIAISONS is located in Gordon Hall (formerly University Hall), Room 435.

Campus Map

Mailing Address:
California State University, Fullerton
800 North State College
P.O. Box 6850
Fullerton, CA 92831


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