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WAC LIAISONS - Departmental Services


WAC LIAISONS services are available for individual departments as follows:

  • Deliver WAC LIAISONS workshops at department meetings or retreats.
  • Assist in the development of new or improved upper-division writing courses, whether “intensive” (a single course) or “complementary” (two courses), in compliance with UPS 320.020.
  • Assist in the design of writing prompts or rubrics for “capstone” and coordinated courses.

Suggested WAC LIAISONS Workshops For Department Meetings and Retreats

  • Designing Effective Writing Prompts for Any Class
  • Clear, Concise Sentences: Five Quick Strategies
  • Using Writing to Learn in Any Class
  • GE Goals and Writing Pedagogy
  • Leading Effective Peer Reviews to Increase Feedback for Writers
  • Experts’ Notebooks: Increasing Course Writing; Reducing Grading Time
  • Reduce Grading Time with Writing Rubrics
  • Reduce Grading Time with Turnitin
  • Reduce Grading Time with Formative Feedback

To learn more about these workshops, please visit the WAC LIAISONS Workshops page.

Contact WAC LIAISONS To Request Services For Your Department

To request a departmental workshop or other services, email Leslie Bruce at

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Contact: Dr. Leslie Bruce, Faculty Fellow
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
Location: GH 435
Phone: 657-278-3155

WAC LIAISONS is located in Gordon Hall (formerly University Hall), Room 435.

Campus Map

Mailing Address:
California State University, Fullerton
800 North State College
P.O. Box 6850
Fullerton, CA 92831


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