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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Do you want to double down on developing your scholarship and teaching?

Consider the Scholarship Of Teaching Learning (SoTL)


A viable and valuable path for scholarly work is known as the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). SoTL is defined briefly as the “systematic reflection on teaching and learning made public” (McKinney, 2013, p.1), and includes research conducted by faculty members in their classrooms to improve teaching and learning.

SoTL is a rewarding and productive way to integrate your teaching and research, helping you remain active in both areas while deepening your understanding of effective teaching and learning. It can also help you revitalize your approach to teaching or embark on a new research agenda. SoTL has a substantial history stemming from the mid-1980s, and there are conferences and journals that focus on SoTL where you can present and publish your work.

How To SoTL

  1. Ask a question about learning in your discipline and classroom context (Why is it hard for students to understand . . .)
  2. Design your study and obtain IRB approval
  3. Do the study and collect the data
  4. Analyze the data and draw significant conclusions
  5. Present and publish your research

SoTL Paths

  • Scholarship of Discovery - the search for new knowledge, contributing to one's field.
  • Scholarship of Integration - scholarly or creative activity that creates connections across disciplines and furthers knowledge through synthesis, possibly educating non-specialists.
  • Scholarship of Application -  creates and tests new theories and understanding through the application of knowledge to current social issues. The scholar may ask "How can knowledge be responsibly applied to consequential problems? How can it be helpful to individuals as well as institutions?"
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - research on classroom teaching and learning, conducted by disciplinary experts
  • Scholarship of Engagement - connects any of these dimensions of scholarship to the understanding and solving of pressing social, civic, and ethical problems. An opportunity to integrate research and service.

Learn More About SoTL

Based on the seminal work of Ernest Boyer and the subsequent work of Charles Glassick, these paths lead to rigorous work through a scholar's clear goals, proper preparation, appropriate methods, significant results, effective presentation, and reflective critique.

Learn more online about the work of Ernest Boyer in expanding our understanding of scholarly and creative activity and the importance of assessing the quality of all types of scholarship. Or review these essential texts:

  • Boyer, E. 1990. Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate. Princeton: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
  • Glassick, C. E., Huber, M. T., & Maeroff, G. I. 1998. Scholarship Assessed: Evaluation of the Professoriate. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.