Faculty Hoteling Reservations
Use of individual offices and the Scantron machine on the 2nd floor of the Pollak Library South (PLS-244) can be reserved using the form below. Rooms may be checked out by current CSUF faculty and are intended for temporary use (e.g., holding in-person office hours, virtual office hours, teaching a virtual course). An active faculty CWID is required. Please contact the FDC at fdc@fullerton.edu or call x4722 if your office reservation request is to exceed office 4 hours or your Scantron reservation request is to exceed 2 hours.
Once approved, an email reminder will be sent to you confirming this reservation. To gain access M-F 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, please visit the FDC office in PLS-233. For access while the library is open but outside of the FDC office hours, you will need to swipe your TitanCard. Directions on getting a TitanCard can be found on the Getting A TitanCard website.
Make a Faculty Hoteling Reservation