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Awards Overview

FDC Awards

The Faculty Development Center hosts several annual events that recognize faculty members as they deepen and broaden their commitment to teaching, scholarly and creative activity, and service throughout their careers.

Author Awards

Author Awards is an annual campus event designed to recognize faculty who have published a book of general interest and significance. The awards celebrate their accomplishments with the campus and the communtiy at large.

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Certificate Completion

CSUF is very proud of the outstanding faculty that have completed our certificate programs designed to improve student learning.

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Faculty Recognition

Every three years, our event honors faculty from all colleges with significant accomplishments in scholarly and creative activity, teaching or service. 

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Outstanding Professor

Outstanding Professor, awarded annually, honors a faculty for outstanding teaching, distinction in scholarship and/or creative activites, and contributions to the University and CSU system.

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Showcased Faculty

The FDC showcases faculty members who have successfully integrated theoretical concepts, practical tools, and technology into their course design.

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The Virtual and Online Innovations and Curricular Enhancements (VOICE) Award celebrates faculty who created innovative virtual and online learning experiences. Faculty are invited to apply and will submit a video to showcase their work.

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Outstanding Professor Award Committee Awards

The Outstanding Professor Award Committee, one of the committees of the Academic Senate, reviews applications for the following awards:

  • ™Outstanding Lecturer Award (UPS 295.000)
  • ™Faculty Leadership in Collegial Governance Award (FLCGA; UPS 292.000)
  • ™The Carol Barnes Excellence in Teaching Award (UPS 293.000)
  • ™Outstanding Professor Award (OPA; UPS 290.000)

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