WAC LIAISONS - Memo Sample
To: Dr. Fontaine, Dr. Stern, and Dr. Mexal
From: University Writing Proficiency Committee & Mark Filowitz, AVP for Academic Programs
Subject: Certification of Courses for Writing Based on UPS 320.020
May 7, 2019
Dear Dr. Fontaine, Dr. Stern, and Dr. Mexal,
At the request of the Academic Senate, the University Writing Proficiency Committee has begun the process of reviewing courses for certification of the Upper-Division Writing Requirement (UDWR). The review and approval process is articulated in the revised UPS 320.020. According to this UPS, courses that fulfill the UDWR in each major must be certified as “writing intensive,” “writing complementary,” or thesis courses by the University Writing Proficiency Committee using the online curriculum system (i.e., Curriculog).
The enclosed timeline indicates when each college or unit shall submit its courses to the online curriculum system for UDWR certification. As you can see, in AY 2019-2020, the Department of English in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences is scheduled to submit any courses it wishes to be eligible for UDWR certification to Curriculog, including its support courses that are used to fulfill the UDWR in other undergraduate majors (e.g., ENGL 301).
Once certified, each course will appear on an online list, indicating its certification status as a writing-intensive, writing complementary, or thesis course. The course remains UDWR-certified for eight consecutive years. Courses that fail to be certified (either because the course does not meet the requirements of a UDWR-certified course or because the unit did not submit the course for consideration as specified on the timeline) are allowed a grace period (described in UPS 320.020), but thereafter will no longer be eligible to fulfill majors’ UDWR. Thus, it is imperative that each academic unit completes its proposals for UDWR certification in a timely and diligent manner.
Please note the following deadlines:
Oct. 2019 Academic unit shall inform the UWPC and AP by memo (1) which courses are currently used to fulfill its majors’ UDWR, and (2) which courses, if any, it intends to submit for UDWR certification.
Feb. 2020
Academic unit shall submit courses for review of UDWR certification in Curriculog.
Note: If any changes are made to how majors fulfill the UDWR using newly certified courses, then a program change proposal must be submitted in Curriculog reflecting that change in the major
the courses are certified.
The University Writing Proficiency Committee is committed to supporting academic units as they prepare courses for UDWR certification. Representatives from the UWPC will gladly meet with your unit or attend one of your unit’s meetings to provide information about and support for the certification process, or your unit may send representatives to one of our monthly meetings in the fall.
At this time, we encourage your unit to review and evaluate the ways it supports students’ writing. Please address questions or concerns about UDWR certification to Dr. Janna Kim, Chair of the University Writing Proficiency Committee, at jkim@fullerton.edu.
The University Writing Proficiency Committee
Mark Filowitz, AVP for Academic Programs
8-Year Review Cycle For UDWR Certification
According to UPS 320.020, courses used to fulfill or partially fulfill undergraduate students’ Upper Division Writing Requirement (UDWR) must be reviewed and certified by the University Committee on Writing Proficiency as writing intensive, writing complementary, or thesis courses. In addition, courses shall be submitted for UDWR recertification every eight years.
The UWPC has proposed the following 8-year cycle. Academic units shall be notified of their need to certify or recertify courses one year in advance of their scheduled review year. If an academic unit anticipates a scheduling conflict or need to postpone UDWR certification for up to one year, the UWPC and AP should be notified by memo as soon as possible.
Cycle | Academic Year | College/Department |
1 | 2019-2020 | English Department and College of Buisness and Economics |
2 | 2020-2021 | Colleges of Health and Human Development & Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
3 | 2021-2022 | College of Communications |
4 | 2022-2023 | Colleges of Arts and Engineering and Computer Science |
5 | 2023-2024 | College of Humanities and Social Sciences (I) |
6 | 2024-2025 | College of Humanities and Social Sciences (II) |
7 | 2025-2026 | College of Humanities and Social Sciences (III) |
8 | 2026-2027 | College of Humanities and Social Sciences (IV) |
Contact: Dr. Leslie Bruce, Faculty Fellow
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
Location: GH 435
Phone: 657-278-3155
WAC LIAISONS is located in Gordon Hall (formerly University Hall), Room 435.
Mailing Address:
California State University, Fullerton
800 North State College
P.O. Box 6850
Fullerton, CA 92831