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Introduce Yourself

How-to Guide Using Adobe Spark

This guide was created using Spark on a desktop computer. Spark is a web-based application that you do not need to download into your computer. You also can use Spark in your iPhone or iPad; when using the app on your mobile devices, you have to download the program from the app store.

Intro Video Using Camtasia

Camtasia is available to all faculty members at no cost. For this video, Dr. Burlingham requested the use of a "media room" to create her class introduction.

Voice Over PowerPoint

A simple way to use Camtasia is to record your voice over your PowerPoint. In this video, professor Brody did just that.

Course Overview Using Camtasia

In this video, the teacher used Camtasia to capture the desktop screen and bring attention to specific parts of the course web pages. This video was edited to take out long pauses and other audio errors.