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Department Chairs

College of the Arts

College of Business and Economics

College of Communication

College of Education

College of Engineering & Computer Science

Meet Our Chairs

Click the logo to meet our chairs.

College of Health & Human Development

College of Humanities and Social Sciences 

College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Pollak Library

Remaining University Council Of Chairs Meetings For The 2023-2024 School Year

End of Year Luncheon: May 1, 12-1:30pm

University Council Of Chairs Meetings For The 2024-2025 School Year

All Chairs Retreat: August 15, 8:30am - 3:00pm in PLN-130

Winter Chairs Retreat: January 15 from 8:30am-3:00pm

Monthly Leadership Development Sessions in PLN 130. Main session held from 12-1:30pm with optional informal mentoring lunch from 11:30am-12pm.

  • Fall Dates: September 4, October 2, November 6, December 4
  • Spring Dates: February 5, March 5, April 9

End of Year Luncheon: May 7, 12-1:30pm


Additional Opportunities for Department Chairs And Faculty

  • Canvas Community for Chairs, which provides online professional development and leadership development resources specifically for department chairs
  • A summer leadership institute designed for both new and returning chairs
  • Training and workshops offered through HRDI’s Professional and Organizational Development. View and register for upcoming POD offerings through the Fullerton Training Hub, available in the Faculty Portal.