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VOICE Awards

The Virtual and Online Innovations and Curricular Enhancements (VOICE) Award was created to showcase and celebrate faculty who have created innovative virtual and online learning experiences. VOICE recognized both promising and experienced online educators.

2021-2022 VOICE Award Winners

Erin Besser

Elementary and Bilingual Education

Category: Engagement

Kristin Kurianski


Category: Engagement

Alison Dover

Secondary Education

Category: Engagement

Raelynne Hale

Modern Languages and Literatures

Category: Engagement

Sunny Le


Category: Engagement

Awards Committee

Juan Escalante ~ Gina Harmston ~ Laura Keisler ~Jingwen Liu ~ Yuko Okado ~ Kelly Ruppert

2020-2021 VOICE Award Winners

Allison Schmitendorf

Eng, Comp Lit, and Linguistics

Category: Accessibility

Sarah Kelman

Eng, Comp Lit, and Linguistics

Category: Assessment

Jingwen Liu


Category: Assessment

Allison Schmitendorf

Eng, Comp Lit, and Linguistics

Category: Assessment

Juan Escalante

Visual Arts

Category: Inclusive Teaching

Cotton Coslett

Public Services

Category: Student Engagement

Dydia DeLyser

Geography and the Environment

Category: Student Engagement

Jaya Dofe

Computer Engineering

Category: Student Engagement

Juan Escalante

Visual Arts

Category: Student Engagement

Kristy Forsgren

Biological Sciences

Category: Student Engagement

Kristin Kurianski


Category: Student Engagement

Carie Lane

American Studies

Category: Student Engagement

Jingwen Liu


Category: Student Engagement

Honorable Mention


Category: Student Engagement

Mansour Abdoli

Allison Schmitendorf
Eng, Comp Lit, and Linguistics

Awards Committee

Lucia Alcala ~ Raelynne Hale ~ Gina Harmston ~ Laura Keisler ~ Jingwen Liu ~ Yuko Okado ~ Kelly Ruppert ~ Zia Salim